Monday, 3 September 2012

A critical final round game - by Tan Weiliang and Junior Tay

The final round of the Queenstown Open 2012 saw IM Luis Chiong, Kelvin Wee, Nahim Zahur and Tan Weiliang taking pole position on 5/6. With Luis beating Lee Qing Aun and Kelvin Wee outpointing Michael Siong, Weiliang and Nahim's matchup would decide who would join them at 6 points.

Playing into a protracted Maroczy Bind with lengthy manouvring and piece reshuffling, it was clear that the clock would be of paramount importance in deciding the outcome, especially with the 1 hour time control.

For that matter, eventual champion IM Luis Chiong nearly lost on time against Cyrus Low in Round 2 as he thought he had 2 hours for the whole game! Fortunately for him, the remaining minutes sufficed for him to clinch the point. Here's the crucial matchup on Board 1 in the final round.

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