Friday, 30 December 2011

Singapore Chess Festival

Just a brief news update: I am currently playing in the 2nd Asean Open Championship which is part of the annual Singapore Chess Festival. This year's masters event turns out to be a 10 player round robin which in itself is a pretty tough GM tournament for me. After 6 rounds, I have a less than mediocre 2.5 points but I shouldn't complain too much given that I was really busy with work recently.

The time control this year is 2 hours for the first 40 moves, followed by an additional 30 minutes without increment. While I can understand the organizer's desire to keep the timeframe of the rounds within control, some of the games ended in pretty distasteful manner, with some players blatantly playing to win on time in dead lost positions. I guess it is quite exciting to witness the players in time trouble and scrambling to make the time control but I am sure the players themselves don't enjoy it.

I will be putting up more games in due time but for now, check out SCN for a cool article by Olimpiu. I have submitted my comments to my game with Malaysian IM Lim Yee Weng, which without the drama, was pretty exciting.


  1. Which would be your recommended ideal time control for international-chess players?

  2. 2 hours for first 40 moves with additional 30 mins after move 40 and 30 seconds increment from move 1.

  3. Hi Weiming,

    Wondering, could you give me some links and tell me how you are able to use chess applets on your blog? I would like to use the applet on mine as well.

    Thank you very much! Your blog is very informative and an enjoyable read!

  4. Sure, drop me a mail and I can tell you how to use chessflash. It's pretty straight forward actually.

  5. Wow, I found the chessflash website. Thank you very much! =D
