Thursday, 1 November 2012

IM Chan Peng Kong in New Zealand - by Junior Tay

IM Chan Peng Kong took part in two FIDE rated events in New Zealand in October. He first played in the George Trudle Masters Event from  September 29th - October 7th 2012, scoring 6/9 points against a field which comprises 7 FMs, 1 IM and 1 GM. 8th seeded Chan finished equal 4th and  earned 11 ELO points in the Auckland Event. Next up, he also scored 6/9 in the South Island Championship in Dunedin (October 10th - 14th 2012).

IM Chan Peng Kong (With thanks to New Zealand Chess Federation for the picture)

This time, he made the prize list with his equal 3rd placing. For his efforts in both events, he gained 12 ELO points. IM Gary Lane won both events with FM Ben Hague making an IM norm in the George Trudle Masters Event.

Here are some of his games from the events.

A strong exchange sacrifice turns White's aggressive Kingside  formation into a porous mess in which Black's Queen + Knight tandem proved too difficult to parry off.

An abrupt end to a tense positional fight...
An anti-positional Bishop trade precipitated the following Queenside chaos where White's pieces ended up stepping on each other's toes.


  1. Peng Kong is already a living legend of Singapore Chess! Congrats to him!

  2. Thanks for your never-ending hard work in keeping us all updated!
